FTD Florist Assistance Program and Resources
As we all continue to navigate through the challenges COVID-19 has brought to our lives, it is more evident than ever that the floral industry is made up of strong, creative and resilient people. FTD is working in partnership with the Society of American Florists, growers and suppliers to make sure that our local florists have the resources and materials they need to keep operating, if permitted. The FTD Assistance Program was created to provide financial support to our florist members and we also have a variety of free resources available.
- Both of our sites, FTD.com and ProFlowers.com, continue to take high value orders.
- To assist you in increasing your cash flow, we will
PAY YOU for all March orders by April 15, 10 days earlier than our normal pay schedule.
- To assist you in reducing costs, we will be CREDITING your FTD membership fee for the month of April. Members must be current to qualify.
- To further assist, we will be CREDITING the transmission fee on all orders successfully delivered during the month of April.
- We are also offering 20% OFF fresh flowers through April 30 to help you secure flowers at reduced costs.
- To help you keep connected and serve your customers, we are also offering our Email Marketing Program to you at
NO CHARGE through June 30 and with no commitment required beyond that timeframe.
- Join us for a free webinar, "Preparing for Mother's Day in the Midst of a Crisis" on Tuesday, April 14, at 4 pm ET. Register here.
- ICYMI, we recently hosted a webinar called "Social Media and Your Digital Presence in a Crisis" presented by a social media expert. Watch it here.
- Keep connected with your customers on social media using our library of images to share your personalized message.
- The Society of American Florists COVID-19 Resources is a comprehensive resource for the floral industry including webinars, resources by state and more!
- The Small Business Administration has a variety of programs to provide federal aid and loans to flower shops. Learn more here.
Add FTD (floristrelations@ftdi.com) to your address book to ensure complete delivery.