Co-op Advertising

Thank you for your interest in the FTD Co-op Advertising Program. After careful consideration, FTD will not be offering the co-op advertising program in 2017.

Our goal is to impact the greatest number of member florists, and the FTD Co-op Advertising Program wasn't achieving that goal.

As we move forward, some of the co-op funds will be re-allocated to programs that will reach more florists. We're cementing those plans now.

We're always looking for new ways to add value to your FTD membership. New opportunities for our members in 2017 include:

  • Twice the number of available FTD University education scholarships. That figure will rise to $20,000 from $10,000, for a total of 20 scholarships to FTD Boot Camp, SAF Convention and AIFD Symposium. Applications are due by April 1.
  • A sweepstakes in March/April that will award eight pairs of roundtrip tickets on United Airlines to florists.
  • A special opportunity to "intern" with wedding and event extraordinaire Ian Prosser AIFD, an FTD Education Consultant.

As always, we have a variety of local marketing materials available on for you to customize and print, share online or email.

If you have any questions, email